Friday, August 21, 2020

5 Ways To Save Your Blog From Becoming Scraper Site

5 Ways To Save Your Blog From Becoming Scraper Site Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!5 Ways To Save Your Blog From Becoming Scraper SiteUpdated On 29/11/2017Author : PhanindraTopic : BloggingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogJust before starting with the actual topic first read the below scenario,You’ve got a new idea and invested around 2 hours to make it as one of your best articles. You’ve published it on your blog and have checked Google after sometime. Now, what would be your first reaction when you see that your article is in the 1st position in Google for specific keyword?Would you be happy, for it? Don’t answer this, as my question is not yet complete.Your site is no where in the 1st page of Google. But still your article is ranked in number 1 position.IMAGE CREDIT : WESLEY FRYER [FLICKR] | VIEW LARGER VERSION I think most of you have understood what exactly happened in this situation.A scraper site is a s pam website (can be manually operated or autopilot) which has the content, copied from other sources. This can be either by downloading the content or getting the data from RSS feeds. These scraper sites do not credit the original source which is actually violating the copyright law by reprinting the content without appropriate permission. Also, these scraper sites, create lot of confusion among the search engines (but not so easy) which actually affects the search engine rankings. This in turn leads to the duplicate content issue as the same content is present (copied) everywhere.Here are some of the ways mentioned to save your blog from becoming a scraper site and prevent getting penalized by search engines.1) Dont use PLR articles directly on your blogPrivate label rights (PLR) is a concept used in Internet Marketing and derived from private labeling. Its a license where the author sell most or all of the intellectual property rights to their work. The license is defined by the author of the work and has no legal definition. (via Wikipedia)Now this doesnt mean that we shouldn’t use PLR articles. PLR articles can be very efficient to get lot of new ideas. But many of these PLR articles are directly ripped from Ezine, Squidoo, Hubpages and other article directories. If you are using them directly on your blog, you might face a lot of issues including duplicate content, copyright laws, legal issues etc.READ8 Ways To Effectively Build Your Personal BrandIf you are a creative writer then never take a chance to use PLR articles because they do kill the creativity. Just take a to look over the various titles available and start writing your own content.Also, read HOW TO: Never Run Out Of Topics For Blogging2) Never copy content from other blogsIts illegal in fact. Dont spoil others hard work and creativity. Never ever copy the content which is already published, if you like the topic then try to rewrite incorporating your views and ideas which will be very well appreciated by the readers and the search engines like Google.You can also check :Use Google To Find Creative Commons Content5 Ways You Can Get Fresh Content Inspiration5 Unique Ways Bloggers Can Create Killer Content (Without Writing)3) Never use copyrighted images for your articlesDo not use the images by directly searching them using Google images. You might be subjected to copyright issues. Check out list of cool websites For Copyright And Royalty Free images to find various sources to get free images.4) Get Permission Before ReusingIf you want to use the information which has been already published, you can get the permission from the author (original source) to reuse the content. Also dont forget to check out that sites copyright policy and reprints policy.5) Credit Original SourceIts a good idea to give credit to the original source. This has many benefits like appreciating the authors effort and also at the same time, protecting your blog from future disasters. Credit the s ource whenever any external content/image being used/referred in your articles.Hope these small things which we all know, if implemented regularly can save us from getting our site/blog labelled as scraper site.This article is written by Phanindra. He created a platform called SparkInDark to share the information about the best giveaways available online. If you wish to write for us, kindly check this.

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